Weight Loss Embarassement

I don’t tell people that I’m trying to lose weight.

I say that my stomach hurts to explain away saying no to cake. I tell people that I’m meeting friends at the gym to ensure that I couldn’t break my plans with the elliptical. And I pay no attention to how my clothes fit so that people don’t know how often I think of my body.

I don’t like drawing attention to the fact that I’m trying to be healthier.

And I know exactly why:

I don’t want the embarrassment that comes with professing to be so devoted to my health, only to renege on my goals and go back to openly professing my love of brownie style cookies.

Because that’s what happens. A lot. I prove exactly how much I’d like to get and stay fit by going to the gym every day, eating exactly the right foods, and beinga model of excellence for all of those with similar goals. And then something happens that makes me slip (that unknowable force that suddenly takes away the happiness you feel when running and leaves your only source of satisfaction as entirely dependent on consuming an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s) and I’m left floundering to explain to those same people that I suddenly don’t have plans with friends at the gym and that my stomach is miraculously feeling better and do you have any extra cheese I can put on this sandwich?

It’s embarrassing.

cupcake marathon

I know that it would be good to get support from those around me, and I know that so many people would be there to cheer me on if I could only be open and honest with them, but that’s hard when I’ve rightfully come to expect failure from myself.

Winter Workouts

It’s chilly, you don’t want to run outside and tennis hasn’t seemed like a viable option since September.

don't run to bed

You can either brave the cold while you workout outside, or you could mix up your routine and focus on activities that you could do inside or that are specifically winter-focused:










How do you mix things up for your fitness routine when winter arrives?

Fitness with the Fam!

I’ve noticed that a good amount of the participants in this challenge are actively involved with having a family. They are in relationships with people who require constant attention, must be cleaned and cooked for, and should always have time devoted to them and their needs.

Little do those family members know, they are also your new workout buddies!

family exercise

Why not try adding a little familial love to your workout sessions. I’ve compiled a list of links that provide some good ideas on how to incorporate your loved ones into your healthy lifestyle:







What do you like doing with your family to keep everyone fit and healthy? Or do you prefer to workout solo?

All the Challenges!

The Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge that I’m hosting is probably not the first time you’ve ever partaken in a challenge. It may, however, be the first time that you’ve partaken in such a loosely structured challenge that doesn’t require you to do at least 20 squats a day until you work your way up to 700 by the end of the 30 days (because I don’t want to kill you).

But I know that some people really crave the structure and organization that comes with those challenges that tell you exactly what you need to do in order to get a butt that you can strut.

fitandtrim-01 planksgiving

So I’ve found a delightful, albeit random, Pinterest page that contains a whole host of 30 Day Challenges that you can feel free to incorporate into your regular Fall into Fitness schedule:


Do you have any challenges that you’ve done in the past that you’d like to share with us through the “Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge” tag? Or do you prefer to go at things your own pace and not restrict yourself to a schedule?

We’re All in This Together

30 days.

16 participants.

10 segments.

Two goals.

One reason.

One challenge.

Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge.

 Together, our goals for completing this challenge look a little something like this:

  • Make my goal weight
  • Lose 5 kg
  • Lose 4 kg
  • Exercise one hour for all 30 days
  • Don’t binge
  • Stick to a plan
  • Lose weight
  • Get the last few pounds off
  • Have a toned stomach
  • Lose 4 pounds
  • Become disciplined
  • Stay on track
  • Lose 7  pounds
  • Eat more fruits and veggies
  • Drop a dress size
  • Run 5 kms
  • Stay within Weight Watchers points
  • Increase run time
  • Exercise 15 hours
  • Lose 3-5 kgs
  • Get back on track
  • Have fun
  • Run a faster mile
  • Workout 5 times a week
  • Lose a few lbs
  • Have the energy to laugh
  • Continue being active

All of our goals are so similar to one another that it only seems natural for people to embark on health and fitness journeys with others by their side. No matter if you weigh yourself using kilograms or pounds, measure in miles or kilometers, or are at the beginning or end of your journey, we all desire the same thing – to be healthy and happy.

No matter what has happened to us in the past, the present demands that we determinedly unite together to create a happier and healthier future.

exercise with friendsWhile this challenge may be very open ended and encourage you to stick to your own individual schedule and plans, I implore you to reach out to those also participating in this challenge (through searching the Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge tag on WordPress) and lend them your support, because we’re all in this together.

Preparing for a Challenge

Before we all embark on this 30 day Fall into Fitness Challenge, I know that I’m trying to get myself motivated and prepared for this exciting journey!

fall into fitness 30 day challenge logo

There is no Halloween candy within a 50 feet radius of my room, I have stocked up on diet hot chocolate just in case I get the wild idea to go beyond that 50 foot radius, I’ve been thinking of blog ideas to share with my new challenge pals, and I’ve been planning some different and potentially fun exercises to try out.

Oh yeah, and I’ve been keeping myself motivated by reading some realistic fitspiration photos which you would all do well to take a look at:


realistic fitspiration

How have you been preparing for the approaching challenge?

Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge

I’ve done it! I’ve named my baby! She is now and forevermore dubbed, “Fall into Fitness”. My Fall into Fitness. My little tiny babykins Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge.

fall into fitness 30 day challenge logo

I truly feel like this is the perfect little moniker for what the challenge is attempting to do.

Throughout the 30 days we will be focusing on health and fitness and accruing points through hours spent exercising, words used blogging, and pounds forever removed. All of this revolves around being the best you and you can be and staying up to par despite the fact that it’s the daylight is disappearing and carbs are tempting us with their friendship (two happenings that I just can’t seem to get over).

November 3rd (our officially official certain definite start date) is right around the corner and we’ll have plenty of time to digest our moderate amount of Halloween candy before we kick our butts into gear and attempt to win the fabulous prizes that me and my lovely co-host Tori will be providing.

And as of right this very minute. There are 10 confirmed participants in this challenge! That’s 10 other people who are looking to support you throughout these 30 days!…but who will also probably be hoping for your failure in the back of their minds as they race (perhaps literally) for the somewhat grand prize. And to ensure that all of our wonderfully determined members can find one another to offer our support, when you blog about the challenge and would like to share your experience with us, please add the tag “Fall into Fitness 30 Day Challenge” and we will know just how to find you and give our support!

fall into fitness 30 day challenge logo

I just had to use this picture again, I made it and feel oh so proud 🙂

Throughout the challenge me and Tori will be sharing anonymous participant information, reblogging some of your outstanding postings, providing you with tips for healthy living (in the fall, with a family, with a busy schedule, whatever you may need), some delicious recipes, and writing prompts should you be so worn out from all of your exercising that you’re struggling to think of topics.

I’ll be doing a tad more recruiting tonight (which should help to keep me away from candy), so if you’d like to share this post you know what to do, and if you’d like to be more than a bump on a log for the next 30 days, just shoot me an email at healthyhappyhello@yahoo.com to make it official! (Also this is free so I’m sorry to say that you really have no excuse for not participating)

For those already signed up, expect an email coming your way around the second of November basically repeating everything that I’ve already said in perhaps a peppier voice. Let’s do this!