So About This 5K…

As I’ve already mentioned, over the weekend I completed my first official 5K. And I’ve got some thoughts on that. Big, important, healthy, happy thoughts.

IMG_2170Firstly, I rock. Of course there’s that percentage of the population who has been running for years on end and can complete two 5Ks before breakfast, but I’m going to ignore their justifiably lofty opinions. I rock in the eyes of my family and friends and everyone who watched me struggle to get fit and push myself towards this goal. And I can feel this awesomeness spreading throughout my entire being, encouraging me to pursue fitness and continue towards that bright and glorious life I can have if I take this opportunity to launch myself into the healthy lifestyle I’ve avoided for the past month.

Secondly, I haven’t been avoiding a healthy lifestyle since the race (wow, three whole days…). But considering I hadn’t been taking care of myself for a month before this, I’ll take it. I always find a turning point to say, “Alright Katy, this’ll be the last day you ever polish off a bag of Doritos” or “Katy! I just know that come Monday you’ll magically exercise with extreme consistency!” And maybe this is another stupid turning point, but so far it’s fulfilled its purpose only by springing me into a healthy pattern, something I’ve  been craving even more than peanut butter.

Thirdly, I am in love. Again. With life. I go through these glorious periods (usually while riding a fitness and nutrition kick) where I am just so darn grateful to be alive. Where I look at the sky, and see a hopping bunny rabbit in my yard, and smell the freshly cut grass, and cuddle up against my cat, and I have to fight back the occasional tears of joy at simply being around to experience all of life’s little miracles. I can’t even give you a picture to go along with those examples, because there is nothing that beats the feeling of living and experiencing life in real time.

Yes, this level of emotion and gratitude is probably weird, but I am oh so thankful for being able to recognize what I have, because it allows me to say yes to living and appreciate every single moment that I spend in the circumstance of life.

life is beautiful quote

I don’t think followers of this blog have really seen me put together a post while I’m feeling this solidly good about my prospects. But as I’m typing this out, my heart is just beating with giddiness at the very chance to express myself in such a profoundly personal manner and hopefully encourage some readers to examine all of the blessings they are granted just by being alive.

That’s funny, I remember when I started typing this post and it was about a 5K…

#893, Come On Down!

Earlier today I ran my first official 5K in Baltimore, MD.

Here are some of the numbers that show what it’s taken to arrive at this point:

  • I’ve been training for the past 3 months
  • I hurt my leg 4 times while training (including twisting my ankle the day before the race)
  • There were 3,211 participants, and I came in 1,410th place
  • My bib number was 893
  • It cost me a total of $45 to participate ($145 including the cost of my running shoes…)
  • My total run time was 34 minutes and 19 seconds

But more importantly:

  • There were 3.1 miles that I totally annihilated
  • I received so much support from at least 10 close family and friends
  • I was able to cross off 1 goal from my bucket list
  • 0 people are happier than me right now

I’ll post another blog in a bit regarding the specifics of this race, but for now I’m just going to appreciate all the effort that I’ve put into myself and my health. I am so thankful and appreciative that I have all of these numbers supporting my actions and urging me to keep going.

Here are some final departing numbers:

2014, another Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K, under 30 minutes. Let’s Go!


Plus, I got to take adorable pictures and update my Pail List!